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The Spots on My Leopard / Vang Vir My 'n Droom / Catch me a Dream. 1974.
This children's adventure is set in South Africa and chronicles the bond between a boy and his cheetah. The two have been pals for a long time, so when the cat is taken and placed in a traveling circus, the boy does all he can to free it. Mayhem ensues, and eventually he successfully saves the giant kitty and sets it free.
Director: Tim Spring.
Cast: Mark Hopley, Karen de Kock, Dale Cutts, Erica Rogers, Bess Finney, Denis Smith, Valerie Dunlop, Delia Sheppard, Johan Swanepoel.
South Africa, USA, 1974.
Languages: English, Afrikaans.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 04:49 | Message # 62
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Nicki. 1979.
It found a high-quality version of this film.
 DE. Nicki ist zwölf Jahre alt und hat schon eine Menge Pflichten. Seit die Mutter tot ist, führt sie praktisch den Haushalt und kümmert sich um die drei jüngeren Geschwister. Das bringt Probleme, auch in der Schule hat sie zurzeit Schwierigkeiten, besonders in Mathematik. Und die Mathematiklehrerin, Fräulein Lorenz, kann sie überhaupt nicht leiden. Manchmal flüchtet sich Nicki in den Traum, eine Königin zu sein. Dann holt sie sich vom Lordkanzler Ratschläge, wie ihre Probleme zu lösen sind. Er empfiehlt ihr zu lernen und Fräulein Lorenz durch gute Leistungen zu verblüffen. Was sie auch tut. Und als der Vater ausgerechnet die Lehrerin heiraten will, da sind die Fronten schon etwas gelockert.
EN. Since the death of her mother, the twelve-year-old Nicki has to take on a lot of responsibilities at home. As the eldest daughter of her single father she runs the household more or less on her own. Furthermore, she has to look after her three little siblings. Naturally, these burdens have consequences: Nicki’s school grades leave much to be desired, especially her grades in mathematics, and it does not help that she cannot stand her math teacher, Mrs. Lorenz. Whenever things become too much for her, Nicki escapes into a dream world. As a queen, she gets wise advice from her lord chancellor. At his suggestion she starts to work on her math skills and manages to impress her teacher with good grades. When her father falls in love with Mrs. Lorenz of all people, Nicki’s life seems to be heading towards less troubled times.
Director: Gunther Scholz.
Cast: Katrin Raukopf, Ralf Häger, Andrea Brose, Jörg Panknin, Margot Busse, Klaus Manchen, Hans-Otto Reintsch, Reimar J. Baur, Petra Hinze, Eva Schäfer, Günther Brill.
DDR, DEFA, 1979.
Language: German.
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Menuet / Minuet. 1982.
Menuet is a 1982 Belgian-Dutch drama film directed by Lili Rademakers. The film was selected as the Belgian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 55th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
A young husband and wife live at close quarters in a small industrial town, where he works in the basement of a brewery, but she has designs on moving up in the world. The husband is fixated on keeping clippings of news stories about bizarre crimes and accidents - stories that are visually portrayed alongside the ordinary family dynamics. Aside from the young couple, a 14-year-old girl is there to help out with the household chores, and her detached spying on all covert activities (she observes the wife being raped by the brother-in-law) has a chilling undertone. Meanwhile, the morbid side of the husband draws him to the 14-year-old, and desires that had been dormant begin to surface. The couple, their relatives, and the domestic certainly seem trapped in a labyrinth that has no end.
Director: Lili Rademakers.
Cast: Akkemay, Lydia Billiet, Theu Boermans, Dirk Celis, Herman Coessens, Juliette Van de Sompel, Juliette De Witte, Katrien Devos, Hubert Fermin, Dany Geys, Carla Hardy, Viviane de Muynck, Ingrid Pollet, Jenny Tanghe.
Belgium, Netherlands, 1982.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 04:59 | Message # 64
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Kasva terveeksi / Grow healthy. 1955.
Found a good quality version of this film.
FI. Perusteellinen aamupesu on vähintä mitä jokaiselta terveydestään kiinni pitävältä voi vaatia. Puhtaus alkaa käsien pesusta.
EN. Versatile nutrition and flattering in fresh air are the foundation of good health and well-being, as evidenced by the 1950s enlightenment film.
Director: Osmo Lampinen.
Cast: Seppo Wallin (Narrator).
Finland, 1955.
Language: Finnish.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:00 | Message # 65
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ガラスのうさぎ / Garasu no Usagi / The Glass Rabbit. 1979.
JP. 十二歳の少女の体験を通して戦争を知らない子供たちに、戦争の悲惨さと恐ろしさを訴える。高木敏子が母が子に語る戦争体験として書いた同名の小説の映画化で脚本は「わが青春のとき」の立原りゅう、監督は「教室二〇五号」の橘祐典、撮影も同作の山本駿がそれぞれ担当。
EN. Garasu no Usagi (ガラスのうさぎ, The Glass Rabbit) is a Japanese autobiographical novel by Toshiko Takagi, who lost her sister and mother in the Great Tokyo Air Raid and saw her father killed by P-51 Mustang before her eyes at Ninomiya Station when she was 13 years old. As of 2018, the original novel has sold more than 2.4 million copies in Japan. It was translated into German, Spanish, Hungarian and other languages. It was adapted into a live action film in 1979, a Japanese television drama series in 1980 and an anime film in 2005.
The live action film, titled Tokyo Air Raid Glass Rabbit (東京大空襲 ガラスのうさぎ), is directed by Yūten Tachibana and was released on July 14, 1979.
Director: Yuten Tachibana.
Cast: Yukiko Ebina, Hiroyuki Nagato, Aiko Nagayama, Baku Owada, Osamu Sakuda, Tomoe Hiro.
Japan, 1979.
Language: Japanese.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:03 | Message # 66
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春天后母心 / Chun Tian Hou Mu Xin. 2006. Episode 4.
Director: Chen Lu.
Cast: Liu Xue Hua, Shi Yu, Zhao Yi, Wang Hao, Jia Zhaoji, Zhang Zhilu, Shi Lei, Leanne Liu, Qianlin Hu, Rui Wang, Zi Ye.
China, 2006.
Language: Chinese.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:05 | Message # 67
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Dårfinkar & dönickar / Nutcases & Normals. 6 Episodes. 1988-1989.
Found a good quality version of this miniseries.
SE. Dårfinkar & dönickar är en svensk barn- och ungdomsserie som ursprungligen sändes i SVT under perioden 25 december 1988,-29 januari 1989 efter Ulf Starks bok med samma namn från 1984. Den har visats i repris flera gånger och finns sedan 2008 utgiven på DVD.
Simone är en flicka i 12-årsåldern. När hennes mamma flyttar ihop med nye killen Yngve och hennes hund Kilroy försvinner i själva flytten så klipper hon av sig håret i protest. I den nya skolan som hon börjar blir hon av misstag från början tagen för att vara kille och heta Simon, en situation som hon finner sig i direkt. Ganska snabbt blir hon accepterad av klassens övriga grabbar, och blir även föremål för tjejernas intresse, något som får vissa konsekvenser i hennes omgivning. Simones oförmåga att kunna förklara kombinerat med mammans och Yngves oförmåga att kunna förstå bäddar för komplikationer.
EN. Simone has just moved to a new town with her mother and it is the first day of school...a new school. Her mom bugs her about her hair and Simone simply cuts it of so that it looks boyish like. When she gets to school and the teacher calls up her name she thinks that there has been a misunderstanding so instead of calling Simone she calls Simon. Simone doesn't understand at first but then she answers and just like that everybody thinks she's a boy, all because of that hairdo. The story continues with what she has to deal with being a new kid and all, she falls in love...with a boy of course.
Director: Rumle Hammerich.
Cast: Lena Strömberg, Gunnel Fred, Magnus Bergkvist, Mats Öberg, Christine Schiött-Quist, Jimmy Millberg, Sofie Tham, Jon Nilsson, Lasse Pöysti, Margreth Weivers, Henrik Hultman, Karl-Fredrik Bothén, Ulf von Zweigbergk, Stig Olin, Jakob Setterberg, Lars-Erik Berenett.
Sweden, 1988-1989.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:06 | Message # 68
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Naisenkaari / Gracious Curves. 1997.
A fluid documentary in which director Luostarinen interviews fifty women on birth, body image, and the harshness of contemporary attitudes toward physicality, aging, and inevitable death. The focus is on female bodies, their variety, and the prejudices, processes, and living to which they - and the souls within them - are subjected.
Director: Kiti Luostarinen.
Cast: Maire Dammert, Kirsi Edelmann, Kati Eerola, Aulikki Eromaki, Olga Eromaki, Riikka Eromaki, Ulla Eromaki, Vilma Eromaki, Linda Fredriksson, Eeva-Maija Haukinen.
Finland, 1997.
Language: Finnish.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:13 | Message # 69
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Kölyökidő. Tükröm-tükröm. 1994.
HU. A Kölyökidő a kilencvenes évek (1989. január 1. – 1997. május) népszerű ifjúsági sorozata, melynek szereplői a nézők szeme előtt nőttek fel, így tudtak hitelesen beszélni a felnőtté válás problémáiról és a kamaszkor megpróbáltatásairól. Tették mindezt sok humorral és öniróniával.
Tükröm, tükröm – Egy tiniszépségverseny eseményeiről szól. Szomorú film.
Virág cseresznyét árul a piacon és véletlenül összeismerkedik Andrással, a fotós fiúval. Ennek eredményeként vele sodródik egy olyan tini szépségverseny mezőnyébe, ahol már minden el van döntve, és mégis.
EN. Kölyökidő (Puppy Time) is a popular youth series from the 1990s (January 1, 1989 to May 1997) whose characters grew up in front of viewers so they could talk authentically about the problems of becoming an adult and the ordeals of adolescence. They did all this with a lot of humor and self-irony.
Episode Tükröm-tükröm (My Mirror, My Mirror) - It’s about the events of a teenage beauty pageant. Sad movie.
Director: Takács Vera.
Cast: Acél Réka, Bárdos Éva, Benedek Csaba, Galambos Lilla, Gieler Csaba, Herceg Csilla, ifj. Horváth Károly, ifj. Elek Ottó, Szekeres Nóra.
Hungary, 1994.
Language: Hungarian.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:19 | Message # 70
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L'enfant d'eau / Water Child / Behind the blue. 1995.
Water Child (French: L'Enfant d'eau) is a Canadian drama film, directed by Robert Ménard and released in 1995. The film stars David La Haye as Émile, a mentally handicapped young adult who survives a plane crash, finding himself on an otherwise deserted island with Cendrine (Marie-France Monette), a teenage girl.
The film's cast also includes Gilbert Sicotte, Danielle Proulx and Monique Spaziani.
The film received two Genie Award nominations at the 16th Genie Awards: Best Actor (La Haye) and Best Original Score (Richard Grégoire). La Haye won the award for Best Actor.
A small plane crashes in the Caribbean, leaving only two survivors: a precocious teenage girl and a simple-minded grown-up. They end up on a desert island, with no inhabitants and no rescue in sight, and split. Then, a friendship bond develops between the two. The teenager, realizing she may not live long enough to see this experience, and the grown-up, never faced with this reality, soon fall in love
Director: Robert Ménard.
Cast: David La Haye, Marie-France Monette, Gilbert Sicotte, Danielle Proulx, Monique Spaziani, Michel Charette, Matthew Dupuis, Manon Gauthier, Pierre Pinchiaroli.
Canada, 1995.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:21 | Message # 71
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Le prime foglie d'autunno / The First Autumn Leaves. 1988.
IT. Le prime foglie d'autunno è un film del 1988 scritto e diretto da Raimondo Del Balzo.
Viene considerato come ultima produzione del genere denominato lacrima-movie.
Martina e Marco sono una coppia separatasi da poco; nonostante ciò, continuano a rimanere legati per i figli Alessio e Donatella, riuscendo infine a rinsaldare il loro rapporto. Durante una permanenza a casa del padre, i due bambini, ancora ignari della riappacificazione dei genitori, escogitano un espediente per farli tornare assieme definitivamente, preparando anche un barbecue all'aperto: per un incidente col fuoco, Alessio si procura delle ustioni di terzo grado tali da risultargli fatali. Mentre il bambino è morente, il padre gli rivela la rappacificazione con la madre, promettendogli che resterà sempre con lei.
EN. Marco and Martina break up. She is looking forward to starting a new life in America but before she departs, she lets Marco see their two children one more time. Seeing his love for them, the tension between them gradually eases but then something terrible happens to their offspring…
Director: Raimondo Del Balzo.
Cast: Sonia Petrovna, Luciano Bartoli, Isabella Rocchietta, Matteo Rocchietta, Giuseppe Pambieri, Daniele Dublino, Andrea Giaccio, Franco Dell'Acqua, Enrico Cesaretti, Luciana Cirenei.
Italy, 1988.
Language: Italian.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:26 | Message # 72
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Utolsó padban. 1975.
A better version of this movie has been found.
HU. Az Utolsó padban 1975-ban bemutatott magyar ifjúsági film Kende Márta rendezésében.
Lakatos Kati, a cigány kislány falujából felköltözik Budapestre, s izgatottan várja az első napot az iskolában. Mezítláb indul útnak, legszebb cigányos szoknyájában. A tanárnő, Györgyi néni kedvesen fogadja őt, azonban osztálytársai nem akarnak Kati mellé ülni, így a lány az utolsó padba kerül.
EN. A young Gypsy girl moves to the city with her family, only to be faced with racial prejudice.
Director: Kende Márta.
Cast: Etelka Imre, Ernõ Mitzi, Sándor Téri, Ferenc Zenthe, Irén Varga, Piroska Molnár, Bertalan Solti, Kati Egri, Hedvig Demeter, Hanna Loránd, Mária Rákosi, Pál Digner, Sándor László.
Hungary, 1975.
Language: Hungarian.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:33 | Message # 73
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Les genoux cagneux. 1992.
FR. Les Genoux cagneux est un téléfilm français réalisé par Hervé Baslé. L'œuvre est une adaptation du roman éponyme de Francis Ryck et Marina Edo paru aux éditions Presses de la Cité le 1er mars 1990.
Mathieu a dix ans, un appareil dentaire et une furieuse envie de s’amuser. Pas toujours facile lorsqu’on vit dans une petite station balnéaire et qu’on est le fils de l’entrepreneur des pompes funèbres. Tout est toujours pareil : l’école, la plage, les enterrements… Mais l’été, tout change avec l’arrivée des vacanciers. La vie de Mathieu s’accélère soudain. Il tombe amoureux de Marie, fait des projets de mariage et s'amuse beaucoup avec ses nouveaux copains. Ensemble, ils vont vivre des moments inoubliables ; certains « hilarants » ; d’autres douloureux. Car, comme dit Marie : « Ce n’est pas toujours très drôle d’être des enfants ».
EN. Les Genoux Cagneux is a French TV movie directed by Hervé Baslé. The work is an adaptation of the eponymous novel by Francis Ryck and Marina Edo published by Presses de la Cité on March 1, 1990.
Director: Hervé Baslé.
Cast: Thibaut Cornet, Sabine Le Roc, Jean-Pierre Bisson, Eléonore Hirt, Faye Gatteau, Pierre-Alexis Hollenbeck, Julien Boudon, Jean-Michel Leray, Charles-Robert Pestel, Liliane Rovère.
France, 1992.
Language: French.
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buddhaDate: Tuesday, 28.02.2023, 05:35 | Message # 74
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Le Jeu avec le feu / Giochi di fuoco / Playing with Fire. 1975.
FR. Le film a été en compétition lors du Festival international du film fantastique d'Avoriaz 1975.
Est un OVNI cinématographique français réalisé et écrit par Alain Robbe-Grillet qui met en images sur un design signé Hilton McConnico (Diva de Jean-Jacques Beineix et vivement dimanche de François Truffaut) et une très belle photographie de Yves Lafaye une étrange histoire ou un riche Banquier (joué par Philippe Noiret) demande a un étrange homme a double facette (joué par Jean-Louis Trintignant) d'enfermé sa fille (jouée par Anicée Alvina) dans une clinique spécialisée. Mais l'établissement, sous des dehors très respectables, s'avère être une maison de plaisir pour maniaques sexuels... parmi lesquelles on y trouve Sylvia Kristel, Christine Boisson, Joëlle Cœur (une actrice de charme qui est apparu dans des œuvres comme Je suis frigide... pourquoi ? (ou Comment le Désir vient aux filles), de Max Pécas et Jeunes filles impudiques, de Jean Rollin), Nathalie Zeiger (une autre actrice de charme qui a apparu dans Glissements progressifs du plaisir d'Alain Robbe-Grillet et Les Onze Mille Verges d'Eric Lipmann) et sans oublié Agostina Belli qui apparait en femme de chambre... Après avoir réalisé par Glissements progressifs du plaisir ou il y avait déjà Jean-Louis Trintignant et Anicée Alvina... Alain Robbe Grillet récidive avec ce film OVNI qui tourne en dérision les formes traditionnelles du récit cinématographique, malmène les habitudes de perception et s'en prend a l'illusion réaliste, en imposant un postulat ou il joue les stéréotypes, les clichés sado masochistes, les situations érotiques et s'amuse a égaré le spectateur en multipliant les personnages qui jouent double jeu (Philippe Noiret tantôt Banquier tantôt écrivain ou Jean Louis Trintignant...) , retourne les situations (surtout pour le plan final qu'il ne faut pas révéler) et disperse les fils de l'intrigue ou il reprend les procédés de déconstruction du long métrage en a faisant un brillant exercice de remise en question du langage cinématographique... qui est a voir a plusieurs reprises.
EN. Playing with Fire is a 1975 French-Italian comedy-drama film and starring Jean-Louis Trintignant. One of his most commercially successful films, down mostly to the presence of "Emmanuelle" star Sylvia Kristel.
Alain Robbe-Grillet’s mid-career comedy “Le jeu avec le feu” can politely be described as an intensely self-aware parody. I prefer to call it a piss-take of Italian gialli. What you see in the film is not necessarily the truth, and characters are also not what they claim to be. To add to the chaos, actors return to play different characters during its run-time – perhaps this is a Freudian examination, perhaps it is reminding us that everything, like the film, is make-believe, or perhaps the characters themselves are two-faced.
The film begins with banker Georges de Saxe (Philippe Noiret) receiving a demand for ransom from a couple of visiting baddies for something they haven’t achieved yet – they’re yet to kidnap the banker’s precious daughter Carolina (Anicée Alvina), who’s still safely ensconced in her room upstairs.
In order to protect her, Georges hires detective Frantz (Jean-Louis Trintignant) who’d been telegraphed to the audience in advance as working for the kidnappers. Frantz suggests housing Carolina for her own protection at a place the kidnappers would least bother to look – a high-class brothel run by Erica von Eigher (Martine Jouot). He introduces the place to an innocent Carolina as some kind of a ‘clinic’ for women suffering from ‘exhaustion’.
Uncut version.
Director: Alain Robbe-Grillet.
Cast: Jean-Louis Trintignant, Philippe Noiret, Anicée Alvina, Sylvia Kristel, Agostina Belli, Serge Marquand, Charles Millot, Vernon Dobtcheff, Jacques Seiler, Michel Berto, Christine Boisson, Marc Mazza, Jacques Doniol-Valcroze, Nathalie Zeiger, Joëlle Coeur
France, Italy, 1975.
Language: French, Russian.
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Einzug ins Paradies / Moving Into Paradise. 1983-1987. 6 Episodes.
DE. Einzug ins Paradies ist eine sechsteilige Fernsehserie des Fernsehens der DDR aus dem Jahr 1983, die erst 1987 gesendet wurde. Sie entstand nach dem Roman von Hans Weber.
Fünf Familien ziehen in die obere Etage eines gerade fertig gestellten Neubaublocks in Berlin – Marzahn. Durch die unvollständig verschlossenen Trennwände der Balkone, auf ungewöhnliche Weise mit den Nachbarn verbunden, wird für jede der fünf Familien ihr Einzug nicht nur ein ganz persönlicher Neubeginn, sondern auch zur gemeinschaftlichen Erfahrung im Umgang miteinander. „Einzug ins Paradies“ erzählt (besetzt mit einem prominenten Schauspielerensemble) die Geschichten der fünf Familien über einen Zeitraum von sechs Tagen.
EN. Einzug ins Paradies was a six-part East German television series, which dealt with the lives of five families who moved into a newly constructed apartment building.
Director: Achim Hübner, Wolfgang Hübner.
Cast: Kurt Böwe, Alexander Heidenreich, Walfriede Schmitt, Friedhelm Eberle, Jutta Wachowiak, Christine Haase, Ursula Karusseit, Anne Kasprik, Rolf Ludwig, Michaela Hotz, Werner Tietze, Barbara Dittus, Erika Pelikowsky, Eberhard Esche, Thomas Nick, Gerhard Bienert.
DDR, DEFA, 1985-1987.
Language: German.
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