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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 18:18 | Message # 31
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Seхuele voorlichting / Puberty: Seхual Education for Boys and Girls. 1991.
A documentary purporting to be of instructive value about seхual development from infancy to puberty.
This seх education film provides the expected information for youth entering puberty, but does so in an explicit manner. There are no innocuous line drawings but rather abundant nuditу.
More info: imdb
The archive contains two versions of the film in various formats and quality.
Director: Ronald Deronge.
Writer: André Singelijn.
Cast: Hielde Daems, Willem Geyseghem.
Belgium, Studio Landstar films, 1991.
Language: Dutch.
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 18:19 | Message # 32
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Láska / Lone. 1973.
CZ. Své milostné okouzlení prožívají nejen mladičtí hrdinové filmu šestnáctiletý Petr a stejně stará dívka Andrea, ale i jejich rodiče, kteří se po letech znovu setkali. Rádoby poetické ladění je však místy násilné stejně jako střídání barvy s černobílými pasážemi. Láska patří mezi Kachyňova normalizační díla, která postrádají osobitost, nahrazuje ji křečovitou stylizací, která postihuje všechny složky filmu.
EN. Své milostné okouzlení prožívají nejen mladičtí hrdinové filmu šestnáctiletý Petr a stejně stará dívka Andrea, ale i jejich rodiče, kteří se po letech znovu setkali. Rádoby poetické ladění je však místy násilné stejně jako střídání barvy s černobílými pasážemi. Láska patří mezi Kachyňova normalizační díla, která postrádají osobitost, nahrazuje ji křečovitou stylizací, která postihuje všechny složky filmu.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Jaroslava Schallerová, Oldřich Kaiser, Milena Dvorská, František Velecký, Hana Houbová, Jiří Pleskot, Vladimír Šmeral, Věra Uzelacová, Helena Loubalová, Zdeněk Ornest, Lenka Kořínková, Dana Kubálková, Jan Kraus, Vlastimil Zavřel, Michal Pospíšil, Ivo Kubečka, Hana Čížková, Jan Teplý st., Jiří Lír, Milena Steinmasslová, Jana Janěková, Markéta Vosková, Veronika Freimanová, Olga Potzová, Jan Holeyšovský, Jan Cmíral st., Petr Kostka, Karolina Slunéčková, David Schneider.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1973.
Language: Czech.
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 18:20 | Message # 33
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Adopting Olya. 1995.
These days, the daily flight from Moscow to New York City carries a few American families with Russian children — some cross-eyed or hare lipped, but all with pasty complexions and brand new, ill fitting American clothing.
Russian law allows foreign nationals to adopt Russian orphans. But there is a catch: only children with birth defects and incurable medical conditions may be adopted. Adopting Olya is the story of one such adoption.
Four-year-old Olya has lived in the Children’s Home in Chelyabinsk all her life. She has been diagnosed with a vague “developmental disability.” Olya knows her future American family only from a little photo album:
Directors: Slawomir Grünberg, Slava Paperno.
Russia, 1996.
Language: English.
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buddhaDate: Saturday, 21.01.2023, 18:33 | Message # 34
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The Baby Sitter. 1969.
This is one of the episodes of the first season of "The Doris Day Show".
With Buck and the boys out bowling for the evening, Doris is enjoying the peace and quiet at home, that solitude which is suddenly shattered when neighbor, Dorothy Benson, telephones, stating that she is going into labor with child number 5, and she requires Doris' help since her husband, Hal, can't get their own car started to drive her to the hospital. Doris sits with the four Benson children, while Hal takes Doris' car to drive Dorothy to the hospital. Doris later learns that the baby isn't expected until morning, meaning that Doris has to stay with the Benson children overnight. It will be a long night for Doris, as the Benson children's reputation for being a rambunctious lot precedes them.
Among the Benson children is a seven-year-old Jodie Foster in her first acting role as the rambunctious Jenny.
Director: Harry Falk.
Cast: Doris Day, Denver Pyle, James Hampton, Philip Brown, Todd Starke, Naomi Stevens, Jodie Foster, Paul Smith, Lord Nelson, Peggy Rea, Hal Smith, Julie Reese.
USA, 1969.
Language: English.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 04:16 | Message # 35
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Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.
DE. Natalie – Endstation Babystrich ist der Titel eines deutschen Fernsehfilms, der von Kinderprostitution handelt.
Natalie Schneider wohnt in gutbürgerlichen Verhältnissen in der Frankfurter Vorstadt. Beide Eltern gehen geregelten Arbeiten nach, sie selbst besucht ein gutes Gymnasium. Dennoch fühlt sie sich unglücklich: Vor allem ihre jüngere Schwester Vanessa, die an Asthma leidet und daher oft ins Krankenhaus muss, nimmt die ganze Aufmerksamkeit der Eltern in Anspruch. Natalie wird daher oft strenger erzogen.
Trost findet Natalie zunächst bei ihrem Klassenkameraden Max, bis sie über ihre Schulfreundin Marion den charmanten Nico kennenlernt, nicht ahnend, dass er als Zuhälter seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient.
Natalie gerät in ein gefährliches Milieu zwischen Schule und Babystrich, ihre Eltern ahnen nichts davon. Erst als Georg Teuchert, ein Freund der Familie, hinter Natalies Doppelleben kommt, kann Natalie dem Strich entkommen.
EN. 14 years old Natalie seems to live in a completely healthy and wealthy family. However she feels lost: her parents spend most of their time for her younger, sick sister. So she grows more and more lonely. After an argument with her father she runs away from home. In her quest for care and nearness, she ends up with souteneur Nico.
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Anne-Sophie Briest, Nina Hoger, Udo Schenk, Volkert Kraeft, Tobias Nath, Annekathrin Lange, Falk-Willy Wild, Melanie Rühmann, Barbara Kramer, Oliver Korittke, Hans Zürn.
Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 04:17 | Message # 36
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Blumen für den Mann im Mond / Flowers for the Man in the Moon. 1975.
DE. Der Pionier Adam Ledermann hat eine ausgefallene Idee, er will Blumen für den Mond züchten, damit die Menschen, die einmal dort arbeiten werden, auch ihre Freude haben. Von seinen Freunden wird er als Spinner bezeichnet, aber als er Partner findet für sein fantastisches Projekt, Landwirtschaftsflieger Kondensmaxe und Professor Vitamin, werden auch die anderen vorm Forschungsdrang erfasst. Komplizierte Experimente werden gemacht, auch Fehlschläge müssen verkraftet werden. Aber Begeisterung, Einfallsreichtum und Ausdauer führen zum Ziel: eine wunderbare Mondblume.
EN. Adam, Evchen, and Manni are looking at the moon through their home-made telescope. Evchen isn't interested, and dismisses the moon as a lump of cheese. Manni, who is a big fan of technology, sees satellites and a car driving over the moon's surface. But Adam hears the moon speak, and hears it ask for flowers to cover its surface. From then on, Adam is determined to breed a kind of flower that can grow on the moon. Although he is made fun of at school and is yelled at by his father, who develops extra-nutritious vegetables for Professor Vitamin, Adam keeps trying. Eventually things take a positive turn. Kondensmaxe, in his airplane, finds Professor Vitamin's old magic greenhouse. It turns out the Professor was herself concerned with developing such a flower, before the war, and is willing to assist Adam in his research. Manni and Evchen support him every step of the way, and so does Adam's grandfather. Eventually Adam's mother even convinces her husband to assist the children...
Director: Rolf Losansky.
Cast: Jutta Wachowiak, Stefan Lisewski, Sven Grothe, Annemone Haase, Gerhard Bienert, Dieter Franke, Astrid Heinze, Dirk Förster, Yvonne Dießner, Ronald Schwarz, Carl Heinz Choynski, Dieter Jäger, Carmen-Maja Antoni.
DDR, DEFA, 1975.
Language: German.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 04:18 | Message # 37
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 Dedicato al mare Egeo / エーゲ海に捧ぐ. 1979.
Dedicato al mare Egeo is a forgotten and bizarre co-production produced between Italy and Japan from 1979, starring the famous Italian pоrn star Illona Staller (Cicciolina) and directed by the famous Japanese pinter, printmaker and novelist Masuo Ikeda (1934–1997) from his own script based on his novel “Ege-kai ni sasagu”, for which he won the Akutagawa Prize, the most prestigious literary award in Japan. Ikeda’s vigorous artistic activity even included screenplay writing and film directing. With this movie, Masuo Ikeda has undoubtedly left his mark on the ’70s Italian skin cinema.
Director: Masuo Ikeda.
Cast: Ilona Staller, Stefania Casini, Olga Karlatos, Claudio Aliotti, Sandra Dobrigna, Maria D'Alessandro, Laura Tanziani, Stefano Rolla.
Italy, Japan, 1979.
Languages: Italian, Greek.
Subtitles: Japanese.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 04:19 | Message # 38
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Iratan e Iracema. 1987. 6 Episodes.
Alternative title: Iratan e Iracema – os Meninos mais Malcriados do Mundo.
PT. Iratan e Iracema (1987) é um filme português de longa-metragem de Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal inspirado na obra homónima do seu pai Olavo d'Eça Leal.
O filme foi agraciado com a Palma de Ouro do Festival de Cinema da Figueira da Foz e o Troféu de Ouro no Festival de Cinema dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa, em Aveiro.
Série de ficção infantil, baseada numa história de Olavo d'Eça Leal, em que o sonho e a imaginação de duas crianças nos transportam ao mundo excitante da fantasia, muito para além do cinzento da realidade. A ilusão e o sonho são, para eles, ferramentas de precisão - com que manipulam o quotidiano, obtendo resultados inesperados e fascinantes.
Eis a história que eles - os meninos mais malcriados do mundo - nos contam...
EN. A children's fiction series, based on a story by Olavo d'Eça Leal, in which the dreams and imagination of two children transport us to the exciting world of fantasy, far beyond the gray of reality.
Director: Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal.
Casf: Amílcar Bonança, Júlia Correia, Paulo Cruz, João D'Ávila, Paulo Guilherme d'Eça Leal, Álvaro Faria, Baptista Fernandes, Ladislau Ferreira, João Lagarto, Maria Helena d'Eça Leal, José Manuel Rosado, Mónica Monteiro.
Portugal, 1987.
Language: Portuguese.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 04:20 | Message # 39
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Le baiser sous la cloche / The Kiss Under the Bell. 1998.
1962. Joseph, 13 years old, a choirboy and a true "light" of religion, set out to become Pope. Not less. Of Spanish origin, Angela and José, her parents, fled their country and misery to settle in a small village around Perpignan. Angela, sensual and beautiful to damn a saint, is an attentive and possessive mother. Joseph, this only son, she feels that she has received him as a gift from heaven. So she puts all her energy and maternal love overflowing to encourage the vocation of her son, unlike José who wishes for him a "normal" life, a life of man, simply. Pensioner at the junior seminary, Joseph is happy to be called, to be part of the elite, even if the atmosphere is not always the one he imagined. Fortunately, there are Louis and Emile, his two friends, and especially Sister Agnès, a young novice, a music teacher who must make her wishes at the end of the year. She will disturb Joseph by informing him of his uncertainties. Then come the questions: what if this vocation was only the desire of a mother not to share her son with other women? Returned a few days of the seminar for misbehavior, Joseph will have the opportunity to live in the village like other children his age and, perhaps to take taste.
Director: Emmanuel Gust.
Cast: Gaspard Génard Claus, Ángela Molina, Bernard Alane, Pierre Forest, Jean-Claude Drouot, Estelle Skornik, Charlotte Menville, Jordi Delclos, Marcos Lloveras, Romain Escoy, Florent Faget, Nicole Bousquet.
France, 1998.
Language: French.
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buddhaDate: Sunday, 22.01.2023, 18:48 | Message # 40
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Otec. 1982.
CZ. Malý vesnický chlapec touží po "opravdovém otci", protože žije sám jen s matkou. A skutečně má vedle
sebe mladého traktoristu, který mu ztělesňuje vysněný ideál - je
odvážný, kamarádský i pracovitý. Zatímco hoch jej zbožňuje, okolí již
není tak nadšeno - mladíka považuje za lehkomyslného a fanfarónského.
Film opatrně postihuje dobové poměry na vesnici i v zemědělském
EN. Small Yozko, who lives with his mother, dreams of a real father, whose ideal is embodied in a tractor motorcyclist on
Formula nickname. However, his mother perceives cheerful cool formula,
finding it, like many villagers, frivolous. Friendship Formula fills the
boy his father's absence, and Yozko increasingly tied to his friend.
Suddenly received a telegram from the actual Yozko father, his mother
will have to take a difficult decision, but life itself makes
adjustments ...
Director: Andrej Lettrich.
Сast:  Ľubomír Paulovič, Petra Černocká, Hana Slivková, František Filipovský, Jiří
Krampol, Dušan Tarageľ, Ľudovít Kroner, Juraj Predmerský, Ján Mildner,
Anton Šulík st., Judita Ďurdiaková, Ján Kramár, Tomáš Žilinčík, Mária
Hojerová, Ivan Laca, Martin Hunčár.
Czechoslovakia, 1982.
Language: Slovak.
Subtitles: English.
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buddhaDate: Monday, 23.01.2023, 02:53 | Message # 41
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Paulina 1880. 1972.
In 1880's Italy, young Paulina must join a monastery to escape a doomed relationship with a married count. However, neither she, nor the count can just move on and all elements for a tragedy are there.
Director: Jean-Louis Bertuccelli.
Cast: Olga Karlatos, Maximilian Schell, Michel Bouquet, Sami Frey, Romolo Valli, Nora Ricci, Jean-Marie Robain, Léa Gray, Francine Bergé, Christian De Sica, René Clermont, Eliana De Santis, Michel Beaune, Michel Auclair.
France, 2021.
Language: French.
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buddhaDate: Thursday, 26.01.2023, 03:53 | Message # 42
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Pleure pas Germaine / Don't Cry Germaine. 2000.
Based on Claude Jasmin's European bestseller of the same name, Don't Cry Germaine chronicles the often hilarious journey of the Bedard family to their new home in Spain. Following the apparent suicide of their daughter Rolande, Gilles and Germaine have a hard time keeping the rest of their family together. Germaine persuades the overbearing Gilles to take the family back to her hometown in the Spanish Pyrenees, where a new life will hopefully await them. Packing into the car their laconic teenage son, increasingly rebellious teenage daughter, and young twins, Gilles and Germaine embark on a road trip that, not surprisingly, quickly turns into a test of nerves. The kids have conveniently packed their dead dog in with the luggage, Gilles encounters a man who may be responsible for Rolande's death, and the whole family bickers with a force and intensity that would do justice to their American counterparts, National Lampoon's Griswold clan.
Director: Alain de Halleux.
Cast: Rosa Renom, Dirk Roofthooft, Catherine Grosjean, Benoit Skalka, Iwana Krzeptowski, Simon de Thomaz, Valérie Ancel, Dominique Baeyens, Sjarel Branckaerts, Joan Dalmau.
Belgium, France, Spain, 2000.
Language: French, Catalan.
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buddhaDate: Thursday, 02.02.2023, 04:07 | Message # 43
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Učna leta izumitelja Polža / Apprenticeship of the Inventor Polz. 1982.
 SI. Učna leta izumitelja Polža je 89-minutni slovenski celovečerni film, ki je bil posnet in premierno predvajan 1. januarja 1982. Režiral je Jane Kavčič, sceniral pa Željko Kozinc. Takoj po snemanju pa je v prometni nesreči umrl glavni igralec, Miha Petrovčič.
Osnovnošolec Jani, ki ga prijatelji kličejo Polž, se ukvarja s precej utopičnimi poskusi. Tako med drugim že kot otrok skoči z balkona z uporabo dežnikov kot padala, povzroči eksplozijo televizorja in eksperimentira z elektriko. Skoraj z vsakim neuspelim poskusom doma zakuha kako nesrečo, ki je nadvse komična, saj ga ob vsakem poskusu okara ali celo našeška oče. Njegova najnovejša ideja predvideva pretvorbo nekoristne energije ultrazvočnega valovanja v električno energijo, kar bi zmanjšalo onesnaževanje zaradi uporabe fosilnih goriv.
Ob strani mu stojijo mama, sošolca Hojka in Fitipaldi ter soseda Violeta, glasbeno nadarjena punca, nobenega razumevanja za njegove poskuse pa ne pokažeta oče in učitelj fizike. Kljub temu vztraja s poskusi in se odloči, da gre do konca.
Na koncu naprava za pretvorbo ultrazvoka v električno energijo začne skoraj delovati, vendar nato eksplodira, kar prinese tudi konec eksperimentiranja doma. Film se konča, ko Polžev mlajši brat Luka z dežnikoma odskoči z balkona, kar kaže na to, da bo očitno nekoč sledil bratovim stopinjam.
EN. Jani, called just Polz by his fellows, is a sincere elementary schoolboy. He likes his schoolmate Hojka, but especially drawn to inventiveness. He is suported by his mother, his schoolmate Hojka and Fitipaldi. The rest of them, on the other hand his father, a teacher of physics at the top of list, show no recognition of his efforts whatsoever. When seeminghly on the verge of his first success, his device explodes and thus concludes his life of home expirimentation. Polz remains a kind of rebel and fanatic in the eyes of adults, but his younger brother is already promising to follow in his footsteps.
Director: Jane Kavčič.
Сast: Miha Petrovcic, Bogdan Zupan, Jozica Avbelj, Ivo Ban, Uros Basta, Livio Bogatec, Jure Cemernik, Damjana Cerne, Marjeta Gregorac, Matjaz Gruden, Janez Hocevar, Boris Juh, Vladimir Jurc.
Yugoslavia, 1982.
Language: Slovenian.
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buddhaDate: Thursday, 02.02.2023, 04:09 | Message # 44
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青春の門 / Seishun no mon / The Gate of Youth. 1975, 1981.
Mainly the story of Shinsuke and his stepmother, ranging from Shinsuke's infanthood to his mid-teens. Coal workers and the mines dominate nearly every aspect of the life of the characters. Shinsuke's father dies while bravely using dynamite to rescue a group of trapped Korean miners. Several older men attempt to help he and his mother cope, including a kind Korean and a Harley-riding yakuza.
Based on a story by Hiroyuki Itsuki that was originally serialized in the magazine Shukan Gendai in 1969–70.
青春の門 / Seishun no mon / The Gate of Youth. 1975:
Director: Kirio Urayama.
Cast: Ken Tanaka, Tomohiro Tanabe, Ken Matsuda, Haruhiko Urayama, Tatsuya Nakadai, Sayuri Yoshinaga, Shinobu Ôtake, Rie Yamazaki, Toshie Kobayashi, Akira Kobayashi, Masumi Harukawa, Hisashi Igawa, Takeshi Katô.
Japan, 1975.
Language: Japanese.
青春の門 / Seishun no mon / The Gate of Youth. 1981:
Directors: Kinji Fukasaku, Koreyoshi Kurahara.
Cast: Bunta Sugawara, Keiko Matsuzaka, Kôichi Satô, Kaoru Sugita, Tomisaburô Wakayama, Kôji Tsuruta, Tsunehiko Watase, Takashi Hio, Jun'ichi Ishida, Ryûnosuke Kaneda, Saburô Tokitô.
Japan, 1981.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
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buddhaDate: Thursday, 02.02.2023, 04:10 | Message # 45
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Lilika / Лилика. 1970.
A better quality copy of this film has been found.
SH. Djevojčica odlazi u dom za nezbrinutu djecu u kojem se osjeća kao stranac. Jedanaestogodišnja izvanbračna kći ratom unesrećene žene, naslućuje da je suvišna u životu poočima i majke. Iz okrutne sredine i loše obitelji, sud i porota će za nju naći jedini izlaz u domu za nezbrinutu djecu, koji ona ne doživljava kao svoj novi dom, već kao robiju.
EN. Lilika (Serbian: Лилика) is a 1970 Yugoslavian drama film directed by Branko Plesa. A story about young orphan girl who was rejected by her mother. The film won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno International Film Festival.
Director: Branko Pleša.
Cast: Dragana Kalaba, Branko Pleša, Ljerka Draženović, Nada Kasapić, Tamara Miletić, Gizela Vuković, Vesna Krajina, Danilo Stojković, Ljiljana Kontić, Vladimir Pevec, Sanja Jeremić, Nada Šarac.
Yugoslavia, 1970.
Language: Serbian.
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